Sure, I may have gotten slightly carried away with my bird feeder (VR Birdfeeder Studio™). […]
Showing posts from Author: John Pile Jr
Maybe I’m old fashioned, but you know what’s better than a frustrated 5 year-old yelling […]
I installed my custom VR camera rig into my bird feeder. Then, with OBS Studio […]
Announcing Party Versus, a first of it’s kind, 4-player mixed reality party game. Built in Unity, supported by Photon, and built exclusively for Meta Quest 3/3s!
Imagine you could jump on your rowing machine and be transported to the water as you row. That’s the concept behind this prototype.
Just a quick shout out about how proud I am of our teams delivering multiple VR titles this summer including updates to I Expect You to Die 3 and Among Us VR this summer.
I’m proud to announce we’ve shipped Cloudbreaks: Leaving Haven, a Holoride experience. Holoride is a […]
Seattle and Microsoft have been great to me. I’ve learned a lot, worked on awesome projects, made wonderful friends, started my family, and had many great adventures.
As a follow-up to my video on using the Unity Animation System, I recorded this short tutorial to show how to work with Blend Trees.
Based on the book “Procedural Plant Generation with L-Systems” by Aristid Lidenmayer, I’ve built a VR greenhouse that is full of fractal-generated plants.
In my “Unearth VR” prototype I play with the idea of digging and revealing buried objects.
I was recently asked, “What is your management style?” I put together a few thoughts and thought I’d share here on the responsibilities of managers.
What’s more fun than a space sim filled with procedurally generating planets?
On Management: The mountains have been there for millions of years, they will be there for a million more, and they will not remember the decisions we make today.
My management philosophy is “Devs do their best work when they feel useful, supported, and appreciated. ” This is a draft of trying to put some of my management thoughts and best-practices in a single place.
Today, I am excited to announce the general availability of mixed reality (MR) features in Power Apps, which include the View in 3D, View in MR, View Shape in MR, and Measure in MR components.
180 StereoVR allows you to use your favorite PC-based VR Headset as an elegant 180 Stereographic Photo and Video Viewer.
Reference: Monoscopic and Stereoscopic Explained Part 1: Monoscopic Content in VR Part 2: Stereoscopic Content […]
As a prelude to my posts on Viewing Photos and Videos in VR, it is […]
In an attempt to broaden the scope (and lower the barrier) to 3D capabilities, one […]