Farewell to Champlain College


Champlain College Game Programmers:

After four awesome and intense years at Champlain College, it has come time for me to bid you all farewell. It has been an absolute pleasure, and I thank you all for the time and effort you have put into your education. You have made teaching easy and ensured that I always looked forward to our weekly class meetings.

Thanks for the hard work.

408048_10200558878630297_331685291_nThanks for bringing new ideas and information to the classroom.

Thanks for pushing me to be a better teacher.

Thanks for the good times and laughter.

Thanks for your patience.

Good luck to you as you complete your education and embark on your career in game development.
Never forget to keep a positive attitude. Work smart, play hard, be creative, and remember why you wanted to enter this crazy industry in the first place. Most importantly, be excellent to each other.

I look forward to working with you out in the real world… and please be sure to keep in touch through the Facebooks, Twitters, Blogs, and LinkedIns.

Finally, be kind to Professor Lawson and the rest of the folks in the Game Studio. My departure may make scheduling hard for them for a semester or two, but they are some of the finest folks I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with… and they will continue to work tirelessly to give you the best education possible.


PS. In case you are wondering, I will be on campus for the Game Academy and in the Burlington area through the end of July.

PPS. Salmon … more bears.

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