Champlain College took home a host of awards for student made games at the 2013 GameFest hosted by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) on April 27, 2013. Awards to Champlain College include:
Award | Game | School |
First | Magnosphere | Champlain College |
Second | Quibly Ball | Champlain College |
Excellence in Visuals | Sagittarii Run | Champlain College |
Excellence in GUI | Crisis of the Superverse | Champlain College |

Winner: 1st Place – 2013 GameFest
It should be noted that the game Crisis of the Superverse took home the “Excellence in GUI” prize. This team of students (led by programmer Adam Reed) was the only team to use Autocad’s Scaleform Gameware to build their user interface. Due to delays in getting the software, Adam had to hustle in order to get it implemented. Its nice to see this award for his efforts.
This is the second award for Quibly Ball, and as of Monday, I’m happy to announce that the lead programmer from the Quibly Ball team has accepted a position at Sledgehammer Game Studio, starting immediately after he completes his two month internship at Ubisoft.
All the teams that competed deserve a huge congratulations for completing the production of high quality games in a very short amount of time. The quality of games produced this year by the Senior teams at Champlain College’s Game Studio were all the highest we’ve seen. I’m obviously particularly proud of the game programmers. Excellent work, you all!
For a full list of winners, see Jonathan Ferguson’s blog post. Thanks go out to Jonathan for the massive undertaking of organizing and transporting game systems to the competition.