Spring Semester 2013 Update

As of today, classes are back in session with a variety of exciting improvements and planning in place for 2013.

I’ve listed a few of the big ones below, but be assured that there is even more in the pipeline, including a few opportunities for independent research for advanced students (let me know if you’re interested).

Software Engineering for Games (Montreal Campus)

I’m happy to announce that this semester we are able to offer “Software Engineering for Games” as an Advanced Seminar course at our Montreal Campus. The course will be taught by Sébastien Duval, CTO of Rebelius Studio.

Plans for the course topics include the following:

  • History of software engineering in games and the evolution of the development process
  • understanding of decoupling, model view controller
  • most popular design patterns
  • anti design patterns and the common traps
  • refactoring methodologies
  • test driven development

This is a course I’ve been hoping to get lined up for a long time and its great to know it is finally in place.

Graphics Programming II (Montreal Campus)

I’m also excited to announce that we now have Adi Bar-Lev, Senior Lead and Architect at Formlabs teaching the 3D Graphics course in Montreal. Adi has a range of great graphics programming experience in the game industry and has some exciting ideas of how to best prepare students for their own career in graphics programming.

In his course, Professor Bar-Lev’s will focus on DirectX and shader implementations. I have no doubt that he will do a great job in providing Montreal students with a strong and relevant education and equivalent learning outcomes to the course I teach on the main campus (Burlington).

Advanced Real-time Rendering Techniques (Fall 2013)

We now have preliminary approval for an experimental advanced course in Graphics Programming. The course will be a continuation of Graphics Programming II, but will only be available to those students that received a grade of B- or better.

Course Description:

Advanced Real-Time Rendering Techniques continues from the technical foundations of knowledge attained in Graphics Programming II. Students will explore real-time rendering topics including volumetric rendering, procedurally generated graphics, virtual reality, and advanced GPU programming. Projects are introduced to implement advanced visual effects. Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods and other mathematical tools will be refreshed as applied to specific topics.

New Lab and Skiff 102 Lab Replacement (Fall 2013)

Efforts to provide both new and additional lab space for Game Programming students continue. The provost has indicated that this is a high priority with the expectation for additional space being made available for Fall of 2013.

Have a great semester and please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions, comments, or concerns.


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