Week 5: Bezier Curves, Prediction, Smoothing, and Xcode

So, as you may have heard, I won the Vermont Hackathon (the one I mentioned in my last post). I almost skipped it, but decided I’d better go since I told so many others that they should attend.

I had a lot of fun, and it was pretty awesome to be honored as the winner. But, after spending 24 hours “coding my fingers off” it has taken me a week to get back into the mood to update this blog. But, alas there is much to post, and there is no rest for the weary.

GDC Online Student Giveaway

The Game Developer’s Conference devoted to all things “online” is coming and will be held in Austin, Texas. Students have the opportunity to win entrance to the conference. (Thanks to Brett for sending this my way.)

Olde World Rendering

In other news, I came across this great article on old-school math that is applied to new-school game engines. Check out this great article on gameindustry.biz.

Education, cha-cha-cha

On the education front, we’re now about 1/3 the way through the Fall semester and classes are going very well. We continue to have some great presentations in Graphics Programming I (wrapping up Bezier Curves and on to Pixel Shaders). It looks like we’re finally getting some momentum in Game Networking and this week we’ll be talking prediction/smoothing. And best of all, we also finally have mobile devices to program on in “Intro to Mobile”. And with a reinstall of Xcode in the Mac lab, we can finally rock and roll!

Hope you’re all working as hard as I am. Just remember, you can sleep during Christmas break. Until then… we code!


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